Life is Messy. So stop trying to tidy it all up.
In the pursuit of an immaculate existence, we can find ourselves trapped in an endless cycle of tidying up—both literally and metaphorically. We organise, we categorise, and we plan, all in an attempt to fend off the flux or chaos that life inherently brings. But here’s a thought: What if we embraced the mess instead?
The future is a feast of unknowns. No matter how meticulously we plan, life has a way of surprising us, often derailing the best laid plans. Life is, by nature, unpredictable. We can’t control the myriad of events that happen to us, from the minor inconveniences to the major life changes. Trying to maintain a constant state of order amidst this unpredictability is like trying to hold water in your hands—it’s futile and exhausting.

But here’s the silver lining: we humans are designed with an incredible capacity for resilience. It’s woven into the very fabric of your being, allowing you to withstand and adapt to the unforeseen twists and turns that life throws your way.

If you’re someone who loves things to be organised and tidy, this message might be inducing a meltdown. It’s ok. Embracing the messiness of life doesn’t mean giving up on order entirely. It just means we recognise that a degree of chaos is natural and, to some extent, necessary. It’s in the unexpected and unplanned moments that we often find joy, creativity, and growth. These moments challenge us, push us beyond what we thought was possible, and forces us to grow in ways we hadn’t anticipated.

So I am going to stop trying to tidy up every aspect of my life. Life is inherently messy and that’s perfectly okay. It’s when we recognise this that we find the freedom to truly live, take (calculated) risks, and enjoy the unpredictable journey that Life is. After all, the mess is what makes life interesting, and it’s how we navigate the mess that matters.


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